Social Security Disability in Raleigh NC

When you suffer from a disability that impairs your ability to earn a living and support your family, disability insurance benefits are often your best option for paying your bills.
However, many people feel that the process of applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) in Raleigh is unnecessarily daunting.

And there is a reason they feel this way. Most people who apply without the help of a lawyer receive a denial letter in response to their initial application. Unless you know exactly how to apply for disability insurance benefits and what they look for in these applications, it is difficult to provide the information the Social Security Administration (SSA) needs to approve your claim.

Having the experience and skill of a Raleigh disability attorney on your side gives you the best shot at approval. Call Lunn & Forro, PLLC today at 888-966-6566, and let us go to work for you. If you already received a denial letter, we can also help you navigate the appeals process.

What does it take to qualify for SSDI?

To receive Social Security disability insurance benefits, also known as DIB, you must meet three stringent qualifications:

  1. Have at least the required number of work credits
  2. Have documentation that you cannot complete any type of “substantial gainful activity”
  3. Provide medical evidence that your condition fits the SSA’s definition of “disabled”

For some applicants, the first two qualifications come easy. It is the third qualification that leads to a majority of claims denials. The SSA publishes a list of qualifying conditions, known as impairment listings. If your condition is not included in these listings, you must be able to prove that it is so severe it keeps you from engaging in any type of substantial gainful activity (i.e., making a certain amount each month).

We can review your qualifications and help the SSA get the evidence it needs to determine if you qualify. If your doctor cannot provide the necessary records, we can often connect clients with other medical experts who can.

How do I file an application?

When you file a Social Security disability claim, you need to complete the application and submit all available documentation. Once you have this information on-hand, you can apply online or by phone by calling 1-800-772-1213.

While Social Security disability is a program run by the federal government, you will be dealing with your local field office. The Raleigh field office is located on Poole Road. You can apply directly to this office. To schedule an appointment, call 1-877-803-6311.

If you enlist our help with your claim, we can walk you through the submission process. We ensure our clients have all the related documentation, including proof of disability and impairment, to give them the best chance of recovering benefits.

What happens after I file my claim?

After you apply for DIB, your local field office receives your application and considers the information in your supporting documentation. The process begins in the local field office, where staff members verify information such as your age, identity, and work history. They confirm all non-medical qualifications, or reject your claim if they cannot verify the information.

The local field office then forwards your application to North Carolina Disability Determination Services. The SSA tasks the North Carolina Disability Determination Services with verifying your medical condition and level of impairment. First, it reviews any documentation you provided. Then, it contacts your doctor to verify your disability. Only then can it determine if you qualify to receive disability benefits.

In some cases, Disability Determination Services may request a consultative examination to help determine the extent of your disability. This exam may be a physical examination or a mental status examination, depending on the type of disability listed in your claim.

What if I receive a letter of denial?

The first thing to remember if you receive a letter of denial is that this is one of the most common outcomes. Many people who later qualify for disability benefits receive a denial after their initial application. Once you receive an approval, you can also receive back pay to cover the months between your initial application and when you begin receiving benefits.

If you receive a denial, you can request reconsideration. You have 60 days after the date stamped on your denial letter to file for reconsideration.

If you have not called us to discuss your case by now, this is the time. We will file your request for reconsideration and help the SSA get the evidence it needs to approve your claim. And if the SSA upholds the initial decision, we can represent you at a hearing with an administrative law judge (ALJ). Having a knowledgeable attorney representing you at this point in the game is key.

We can help many qualifying claimants receive approval for their disability benefits during this hearing. Only rarely do we need continue onto the Appeals Council or federal court. However, we can pursue these options if necessary.

How can a Raleigh Social Security disability attorney help?

We help people just like you get the disability compensation they deserve. Our experience and resources can help you complete your application and provide the documentation necessary to demonstrate your disability. We can make the application process easier by:

  • Guiding you through the process
  • Scheduling any necessary medical exams
  • Managing the disability appeals process
  • Offering tips on any administrative hearings or other in-person appearances
  • Representing you before an ALJ during your hearing

Lunn & Forro, PLLC: Raleigh NC Social Security Disability Attorneys

If you need Social Security disability compensation, you need the Raleigh disability lawyers at Lunn & Forro, PLLC. No matter where you are in the application process, we can help you get the approval you need. Call us today at 888-966-6566 to schedule an appointment to talk with one of our Raleigh attorneys.

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